Cereplast bioplastic symbols

Design Brief:

Project Description: Create a symbol that represents "bioplastics." Three designs total = one general bioplastics symbol, one variation that indicates the product should be recycled, and one variation that indicates the product should be composted.

Sender: Cereplast, Inc. = manufacturer of proprietary bio-based, compostable and sustainable plastics

Message: The product is made from bio-based material as opposed to petroleum-based material and should be either composted or recycled at end of life.

Audience: Eco-conscious consumers

Communication Objective: Consumers may be able to easily identify products made from bioplastics

Specifications/Special Considerations: Colorless, able to emboss, easily identifiable

Concept Words

Concept thumbnails:

Mood board:

Final roughs:

Final roughs, part 2:

In this step, I played around with making a better visual connection between the generic bioplastic symbol and the symbols for recycling/composting.


In the final design, I tried to consolidate the visual idea of recycling and composting better with the generic bioplastic symbol. I cleaned up the vector drawings and adjusted the shape of the arrows to better relate visually by making them more "leaf-like."

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